Christmas is coming


We are once again working with the BID of Tunbridge Wells to help support retailers in the run up to Christmas, but this year, there is a slightly subdued atmosphere due to the global pandemic and the unwelcome arrival of lockdown number 2.

When discussing how best to help retailers at this unusual time, we decided to steer away from delivering printed Christmas brochures to the doorsteps of those who may be shielding. Instead we decided to create an online Christmas Guide which viewers could safely browse from the comfort of their own homes.

While the doors of some of our favourites remain sadly closed for now, this new site allows for some serious time to browse. But, as soon as our stores are allowed to reopen, we are encouraging everyone that can to revisit our lovely streets to buy in-store - to increase footfall and sales at this tricky time.

Browse online, shop in-store (as soon as you can)


The movement to a virtual guide has also allowed more local businesses to be involved in the set-up….welcome please Studio44 and RoAndCo for the back-end design tech and talented local photographer David Hodgkinson, who was able to capture new images for each of our brilliant shopping streets.

The new online accessibility has enabled us to include direct links to retailers websites, which further extend the viewers experience and encourages even more shopping :-).